New Zealand Defence Force


Service Provided:

Energy audit

Benefits Realised:

• Energy savings of 750,000 kWh pa ($60,000) p.a.

We all know that wrapping in layers of clothes on cold days is necessary to keep out the cold and keep in the warmth. The same is applied to our homes in the form of insulation, and now to the swimming pool at Linton Army Camp.

Back in 2009, Smart Power, was engaged by Linton to undertake an energy audit of its swimming pool. The audit identified that large annual savings of 350,000kWh and 822,000 kWh could be realised if the pool covers were used at the end of each day.

The energy saving is estimated to be approximately equivalent to one month’s electrical consumption for the entire camp.

The main pool is 25m long and 18m wide and needs three pool covers to overlay the surface. Once the covers are in place they reduce the overnight heat loss from the water and allow for reduced ventilation at night with associated less air heating as well.

The old pool covers were time consuming to use and difficult to manoeuvre so were seldom put in place.

Linton Works Officer (Energy) Senior Sergeant Alan Porteous, says the energy savings were worth pursuing with an investment payback period of less than one year.

The pool staff came up with a solution resulting in a purpose built mechanical pool cover unwinding and recovery system.

As a result the main pool can now be covered and uncovered in less than seven minutes each way.

Other technologies implemented at the pool were improved lighting control, variable speed drives on the main pool circulation pumps and variable speed drives supply and exhaust fans. These along with improved monitoring and control systems have allowed significant savings.

Annual monitoring shows savings of $60,000 pa from all opportunities with room to optimize further.